Girls Win Grants for Tech Camp

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Date published: 
Friday, May 16, 2014


Two Hillsboro students were awarded $3,000 grants from the National Center for Women & Information Technology, Aspire IT, a national program designed to increase the number of girls choosing to study and work in technology.

Ashley Loberger, a junior at Hillsboro High School, and MaryCatherine Morgan, a freshman at St. Mary's Academy, will use the grants to hold two one-week STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camps for girls this summer at Hilhi.

The camp, Girls Get IT! (Innovative Technology), is taught and run by high school girls so campers can learn with their peers in a fun and comfortable environment designed to increase interest in studying STEM.

Campers will receive a primer across multiple disciplines, including robotics, computer programming, computer-aided drafting and a chance to design items to create with a 3D printer.

Loberger and Morgan are both Girl Scouts as well as multi-sport athletes. Loberger plans to study aeronautical engineering and computer science in college. Morgan would like to study biomechanical engineering.